2nd grade of elementary school language exercises

  • 2nd grade of elementary school language exercises

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Product code: 21137

Availability: Quick order shipment


Product Description

Each course includes:

• Analytical theory with examples, observations and clarifications on the most difficult points (eg "Remember that…", "What to watch out for", "Pay attention to spelling!" Etc.).

• Inflection tables of nouns, adjectives and verbs (eg masculine in -ος, feminine in -η, adjectives in -ος, -η, -ο, verbs in -ω and in -ώ, etc.).

• Special notes on spelling (eg the or of, her or the, I put or jar, etc.).

• Exercises of various types (eg matching, filling in the blanks, finding the right-wrong, spelling, etc.).

The answers to all the exercises are given in detail at the end of the book.