Texts of Modern Greek Literature of the 1st grade of Gymnasium

  • Texts of Modern Greek Literature of the 1st grade of Gymnasium

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Product Description

For each text includes:

- Literary data about the author, his work and his time

- The subject of the project and its summary performance, which contains information and a brief presentation of the content of the specific project or the excerpt that is collected in the textbook

- Structure of the text with information about space, time, semantic units and persons

- Interpretive approach through questions

- answers of various types (comprehension of content, linguistic, stylistic, structural, critical evaluation of values ​​and attitudes, reading response, etc.)

- Narrative techniques - Expressive ways / means, where elements of text technique are examined (type of narrator, type of narration, focus, narrative modes, narration time, language, style, speech patterns, images, etc.)

- Answers to all textbook questions and interdisciplinary activities suggested in the textbook

- Creative writing exercises with indicative answers or processing suggestions that do not limit the initiative of students, but encourage their creative reading.