Mathematics of the 1st grade of Gymnasium

  • Mathematics of the 1st grade of Gymnasium

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Product Description

This book, following the chapters of the textbook, includes in each chapter:

Complete presentation of the theory through questions - answers.

-Short-minute and hourly evaluation criteria [in each criterion it is noted which part of the exam material is examined, the time required for the students to write the solutions as well as the grade of each topic (credits)].

-Recording of the most important topics of the theory and the exercises in which the students are examined in the evaluation criteria and in the examinations at the end of the school year. Also, the examples-applications are pointed out as well as the exercises of the textbook that the students should pay attention to.

-Detailed solutions to all the exercises and problems of the textbook. In addition to the complete and clear answer to each exercise, useful hints are given and the theory is linked to the exercises.

The following are two-hour evaluation criteria in all the material examined. At the end of the book there are the answers to all the evaluation criteria contained in it.